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ProAV Engineering Limited
業務範圍 Services
- 投影系統設計及安裝 | Projection System Design and Installation
- 視像直播系統設計及安裝 | On-line Broadcasting System Design and Installation
- 音響系統設計及安裝 | Audio System Design and Installation
- 錄音室設計及安裝 | Recording Studio Design and Installation
- 舞台燈光系統設計及安裝 | Stage Lighting System Design and Installation
- 視像監察系統設計及安裝 | CCTV System Design and Installation
- 直播系統設計及安裝 | On-line Broadcasting System Design and Installation
- 校園電視台系統設計及安裝 | Campus TV System Design and Installation
- 系統顧問及保養 | System Consultancy and Maintenance
* NEW: 家庭影院設計及安裝 | Home Theatre Designe and Installation
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